Carrickfergus Academy
Additional Educational Needs
The Additional Educational Needs team at Carrickfergus Academy aims to identify and assist those pupils with both additional and special educational needs. It seeks to enable pupils to achieve the maximum possible during their time in school and fulfil their personal potential.
Every pupil entering the school is assessed to determine literacy and numeracy levels: this formal testing is supplemented by contacts with the teachers in the feeder primary schools. Children who need support with their learning are placed in small classes suitable to their ability and are monitored closely by experienced, specialist staff to ensure they are developing the skills necessary to succeed.
At Key Stage 4 all pupils in Carrickfergus Academy, regardless of their starting point, are offered the same choice of GCSE subjects with guidance given from Careers staff on choosing the most suitable courses with any special educational needs in mind.
Access Arrangements testing is completed early in Year 11 to identify those pupils who need access to individual support such as extra time or a reader at GCSE.
Our aim would be to make each pupil's whole school experience a profitable one. We also aim to raise the self-esteem and self-management skills of pupils through positive behaviour strategies and positive reinforcement for all.
The Additional Educational Needs team works closely with all staff and will assist in any way possible to support pupils throughout the whole school. Literacy and Numeracy support booklets are used when appropriate and school also works closely with the Literacy Teaching Support Service to provide literacy support for pupils.
In addition we are fortunate to have the expertise of the EA Educational Psychology Service, Special Education Branch of the EA and Behaviour Support offered by both Newtownabbey Guidance Centre and the EA.
The school SENCO, Mrs Boyd, and Assistant SENCOs, Mr Press and Mrs Bloxsom, work closely with all staff in school to provide support for any child with any special educational needs which may include ASD, Dyslexia, ADHD, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, hearing or visual impairments and physical needs, as well as academic needs.
Pupils with a Statement of Educational needs are placed in a class best suited to their ability level and are fully integrated onto the life of the school.
Carrickfergus Academy also has a dedicated team of Learning Support Assistants who work together with staff to enhance the learning of all pupils.
Our school SEN policy can be found in the school info section of the website.