Carrickfergus Academy

Home Economics
Key Stage Three
Home Economics is at the centre of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. It is an important STEM subject that is taught to all pupils in Carrickfergus Academy in Years 8, 9 and 10. Pupils will take part in practical lessons that will develop their cookery skills.
Some of the topics covered include:
How to follow a healthy diet
Being an effective consumer
Diet related disorders
Special diets
Family life
Home Economics will prepare pupils for a career in a range of areas. Recently the farming and food industries have been identified as having the biggest role to play in growing the Northern Ireland economy showing just how valuable Home Economics is.
Subject Leader
Mrs R Neale
Teaching Staff
Mrs L Chambers
Miss V Hughes
Mrs A McIlwrath
Mrs A Boyd
Mrs J Burns
Key Stage Four
There are a number of subjects to choose from.
GCSE Child Development
GCSE Child Development focuses on the development of babies and small children (0–5 years). You will develop knowledge, understanding and skills, including practical skills, in these key areas:
● pregnancy, childbirth and caring for a newborn baby
● the responsibilities involved in parenting and other family roles
● the social, physical, intellectual, communication and emotional development of small children, including their dietary, health and educational needs

Find out more from the CCEA website:
OCN – Early Years, Child Care and Development
After successfully completing this vocational subject students will achieve an equivalent to a grade B at GCSE. The course covers the following areas of learning:
Child development
The needs of a child
Caring for a child
This subject is assessed 100% by portfolio work. That means students do not have to sit an exam.
They will have to complete 5 portfolio’s over the 2 year course
Some of these will include practical demonstrations and role plays on how to care for a child.
GCSE Food and Nutrition
GCSE Food and Nutrition encourages students to develop knowledge and understanding of the science behind food. They will learn about topics such as food provenance, food processing and production, macronutrients and micronutrients, government nutritional guidelines and food safety. Students will also have the chance to develop practical skills in food preparation, cooking and presentation.

Find out more from the CCEA website:
OCN – Diet, Food and Hospitality
After successfully completing this vocational subject students will achieve an equivalent to a grade B at GCSE.
The course covers topics that will prepare students for employment in the hospitality industry and consider how consumers should make healthy diet choices for example:
Practical cooking skills
Customer service
Food and nutrition
Safety and hygiene
This subject is assessed 100% by portfolio work. That means students do not have to sit an exam.
They will have to complete 5 portfolio’s over the 2 year course
Some of these will include food practical assessments.
Extra – Curricular
Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a seasonal cookery club after school.
Key Stage Four pupils will be supported with revision classes.